As of today I am 5 weeks pregnant!!
I am feeling really good – I am quite tired (consistently feel like I have had no sleep at all!), my breast are really really really sore but apart from that I am feeling good. I have no nausea so far – when I was pregnant with my son I had “morning” sickest that lasted from the time I woke to the time I went back to sleep (why they call it morning sickness is beyond me) – it only lasted for 38 weeks!!!! It was far so good this time (the sickness with my son started the moment I conceived!). I do have some shortest of breath which I had with my last pregnancy as well – I was told last time this is quite normal and is caused by increasing hormones. It is not too bad just when I walk up a flight of stairs that I am really out of breath – I know it is not a fitness issue as I was fine climbing a flight stars 3 weeks ago - I have been going for walks with my son (and the dog) in the evening – it is summer now so the early part of the evening is really nice to go walking – we go for about 45mins – the only drawback is the shortest of breath – I am really huffing and puffing by the time I get back but it is OK and I think it worth pushing through this at this early stage in order to keep up my fitness.
Tommorow I go for another blood test – interested see if my levels are double or quadruple!!